5-MeO-xxx template



By continuing to use this website, you agree to the following:

  • I will not consume the substance being discussed or administer it to any life form

  • I will research my local laws and regulations to determine if the substance being discussed is legal

  • If I determine the substance is illegal where I live and am in possession of it, I will immediately dispose of it

Instructions for safe usage

Save this website address so you can access it at a later date, then break the wafer into 5 small squares and 1 big square

Do not mix [substance] with any other drugs until you are familiar with [substance], see the next section for more details

Perform an allergy test by taking 1 small square [mg/9] then wait for your tolerance to reset (1 week)

After you've done an allergy test, start with 1 large square (or 4 small squares)

[substance] has a steep dose/response curve. Only increase dose by 1 small square per session until desired effects are reached.

Do not assume 2x the dose has 2x the effects. 2x the dose can easily have 10x the effects



WARNING: [substance] is reasonably safe to use on it's own, but can suddenly become dangerous and even life-threatening when combined with other substances.

The Following substances have DANGEROUS interactions with [substance] and should never be taken in combination with [substance]:

  • Amphetamines

  • Cocaine

  • DXM

  • Tramadol - Tramadol lowers the seizure threshold. Increased risk of serotonin syndrome

  • MAOIs - Increased risk of serotonin syndrome

  • aMT - Increased risk of serotonin syndrome

  • PCP - May increase risk of psychosis and excessive stimulation

The following substances may interact unpredictably with [substance] and should be approached with caution:

  • Cannabis

  • MDMA

  • Mescaline

  • 2C-X

  • 5-MeO-XXX

Dosage and purity information

Active ingredient:

  • 20mg [substance]

Inactive ingredients:

  • Microcrystalline Cellulose (binder)

  • Dicalcium Phosphate (filler)

  • Silicon Dioxide (desiccant)

  • Magnesium Stearate (flowing agent/lubricant)

  • Red 40 lake

  • Yellow 5 lake

  • Blue 1 lake

Reagent test videos: